BSNL Fiber Broadband (FTTH) as well as Bharat Air Fiber (BAF) connections are getting popularity and acceptance among general public all over India becuase of its superior performance and assured download speed. As Covid-19 pandemic had made drastic changes in our economy as well as human life, requirement of a high speed internet connectivity is essential for everyone in this world. Each one of us need a stable and high bandwidth internet connectivity which can cater online classes, Work From Home, Online Business requirements, Online Gaming, Online Entertainment like Video straming, Video Sharing etc. The PSU is making all out efforts in making umbrella coverage for its Ultra Fast GPON network in the nook and corner of the country with the help of it’s Franchisees.

Now, BSNL Bharat Fiber (FTTH / Fiber Broadband) connections are available in almost all areas except very rural and remote villages where maintenence of optical fiber cables are not economical becasue of the difficult terrain conditions and limited population. To overcome the issue of Digital Divide in rural India, the PSU has launched Bharat Air Fiber (BAF) – Wireless Broadband Services utilising the unlicensed WiFi spectrum. As we reported earlier, BSNL already launched special tariff plans exclusive to Bharat Air Fiber (BAF) connections starting from just Rs 499/- per month. Now, BSNL has also decided to launch Bharat Air Fiber Services on all it’s Rural Mobile Towers where FTTH connections are presently not feasible. BSNL’s Bharat Air Fiber franchisees are commonly refered as Radio Broadband Service Provider (RBSP).
At present, BSNL is providing one free demo Bharat Fiber (FTTH) connection to FTTH franchisees who have provided more than 50 FTTH connections. In the same manner, to promote Bharat Air Fiber Connections, BSNL authorities has decided to offer one Free Bharat Air Fiber (BAF) connection with 40Mbps speed to it’s Radio Broadband Service Provider who has provisioned minimum of 50 air fiber connections. An Official statement from BSNL in this regard read as follows:-
“One free Demo Bharat Air Fiber connection with Plan Airfiber Basic Plus (FMC 699) may be provided to the office of each Air fiber Channel partners who has provisioned minimum 50 Broadband connections”.
The above Free Bharat Air Fiber (BAF) connection can be used by BSNL Franchisees (RBSPs) as a Demo Connection for testing purpose. The same connection can also be used by franchisees to promote Bharat Air Fiber services in the newly launched areas. BSNL will not issue bills to such free connections and hence franchisees may utilise this opportunity to activate minimum of 50 Bharat Air Fiber connections at the earliest to avail this facility.
Click Here to See Latest BSNL Bharat Air Fiber Plans bundled with free Voice Calls
I am a BSNL Bharat Air Fiber (BAF) Franchisee. How Can I avail Demo Connection from BSNL?
YouCan avail Demo connection from BSNL if you have provided minimum 50 Bharat Air Fiber Connections. If you have already provided more than 50 BSNL Air Fiber connections, just contact your Franchisee Manager to avail this facility. You need to submit application for Demo Bharat Air Fiber connection with proof of identity and address.
What are the charges to be paid by BSNL Air Fiber Franchisee to avail Demo Connection?
It is absolutely FREE for franchisees who have provided minimum 50 air fiber connections. Free connection will be provided in 699 plan i.e., in ‘AirFibre Basic Plus’ Plan.
I am living in a rural area. How can I avail BSNL Bharat Air Fibre Service ?
Customers may contact your nearest BSNL telephone exchange or nearest BSNL Customer Service Centre to check availability of BSNL Bharat Air Fibre Services. You may also use BSNL BookMyFiber Portal to register for BSNL Air Fiber or Bhart Fiber Services.
Read More : BSNL Bharat Air Fiber – Truly Unlimited Wireless Broadband with Unlimited Voice Facility
Dear readers, please share your views and opinions about BSNL Bharat Air Fiber (BAF) Services via comments with us. How many of you are aware of such a service from BSNL for Rural Broadband Services?
In my area, local cable operator is using only EPON for providing BSNL ftth. So please don’t use Ultra Fast GPON network 😂
I am a Ftth customer and I kerala circle karunagapally 690573 and interested to have a Bharat Air Fibre Connection. Please confirm whether its availablity.
Hello. And Bye.